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Keyboard and Mouse



All-day passes 


Single: 13

Couple: 24

Three: 36

Four: 45





Keyboard and Mouse



All-day passes 


Single: 13

Couple: 24

Three: 36

Four: 45





Keyboard and Mouse


Private Meeting Room (1 – 4 people): $15 per hour 







Per hour and per person (shared space)


$5 for the first two hours,

$3 per additional hour. Maximum of $14 for the day






Entire space (8 people, more upon request)

Per hour: $26

Four or more: $100






Nous aimerions
d'avoir de vos nouvelles

Tél:123 456 6780

500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA  94158 

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Merci d'avoir soumis !

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